Thursday, July 30, 2009

Atonement RPI

Well, we have decided that, due to an overwhelming amount of support, that we are going to move forward on a new project. We have an engine, we have a server, we have a very detailed setting with storyline, we have a name, we have domain name, and we are preparing to move into the hiring and work phase. Hold tight and keep your eyes on the brainstorming forum at for more information about how you can contribute or take part in this. Below is the pitch, which is on a sci-fi mystery setting; of course, the theme is far beyond this, but this is all you need to know what to expect if you should start playing in the near future. I suspect that it will take us about two weeks to have the game up and running for applications and players wanting to immerse themselves, depending on the response that we receive; it should take less time for us to have a new forum for the game, a sleek website and a guest lounge to chat in while players wait for the Grand Opening.


Atonement, Chapter One: Where the Hell are We?

I opened my eyes for the first time and nearly went blind. I was encased in metal and glass, and as my gaze came into focus through the flickering blue lights of the machines around me, a symbol injected itself into my mind that I would never forget; before me was a glass wall with the insignia '11' etched neatly (and backwards, I would later come to realize) into its sleek plane - and beyond that lay only darkness.

I coughed bile and fluid out of my lungs and tore apparatus from my balmy flesh. I tried to scream, but my cries were drowned out in the monotonous hum of my prison's computerized walls. As the ground quaked beneath my feet for a fleeting moment in time, I furiously beat my fists against the glass wall before me in a desperate attempt to escape from this Hell.

The glass shattered and its unforgiving fragments stuck into my skin like an old memory that refused to be silenced. Bloodied and weak from atrophy, I pushed away from that sickly, pale blue light - and into the darkness. Bent over and between deep breaths of glorious oxygen, I dry-heaved. I was impossibly hungry, as though I had never eaten before. My bare feet ached with each stumbling step further into the emptiness of the vast, black chamber. With the monstrous roar of a demon, the florescent lights of the room flickered on to exorcise the shadows with a dim and yellow glow. Lining the walls were an army of identical glass doors. Each door was illuminated from within by that hateful blue light, shadowed only by the sleeping bodies of other men and women - and each of those doors bore a number; I followed those numbers with my eyes, from Zero to Two Hundred. Only two numbers were missing - Eleven had been my prison, and Nine was dark and empty as well. I was not alone.

From behind me came a lilting, frightened voice. "Who are you?", she asked. I turned around to see the naked form of a woman leaning against a window to the outside world. Her arms were crossed over her shapely breasts protectively, and her hair was wild and tangled; despite this, she was beautiful, with a lean body and curves in all of the right places - and for the first time, I felt desire run through my veins with the flow of hungry, boiling blood.

I clenched my jaw to quiet the biological urge and swallowed hard, before I pondered her question. I did not know, then, who I was - or even where I was. I answered in a deep, husky voice that surprised myself, "I am Eleven. Who are you?"

She answered me with some managed amount of confidence, but her head turned to let her gaze drift back to the window she leaned against, "I do not know. But there is something that you should see, Eleven."

I shambled over the expanse of cold, metallic floor and empty space between myself and the beautiful woman before me; somewhere close to half-way, the entire room shook tremendously and I nearly collapsed. I-do-not-know seemed less bothered by it than I was. Of course, though, she was older than I was; this was my first birthday. When I drew close to the woman and the window, I could feel hunger for food and flesh creep back into my mind, but it was drowned by the confusion and fear that was gripping me. We did not speak then, but I forced myself to look away from her and through the panel of the window that she indicated to me. I almost wish that I had not. I almost wish that I had stayed in my Hell of blue lights and strange machines, that I had found the willpower to return to sleep.

Beyond the window was a black ocean of stars and Nothingness. An icy, blue rock the size of a ball, or a fist, floated lazily across the vast sea of space. I nearly choked. A streak of golden fire reflected against the glass, the sign of some unseen source of light. Debris in the form of floating and misshapen boulders drifted by at a speed much faster than the distant planet.

"Where the Hell are we?", I intoned, and my question came out in a dry rasp, as I looked back to the beautiful woman at my side.

"I do not know", she answered with wide-opened and frightened eyes, "But I think that we're going to die, Eleven."

The embrace happened naturally. I opened my arms and she opened hers, and I then wrapped myself around her to draw her close in a gesture of shared fear and compassion. Her cold breasts pushed tightly up against my pallid skin, and I could smell her hair; yet, I felt no desire for her now. My focus was lost through that open window, even with her head buried in my chest, and I gazed into the Void - the Unknown.

Somewhere behind me, glass shattered with a deafening crash, and another sibling was born into our inhospitable reality. There was a buzz of static, and from what seemed like all around me, a computerized voice spoke without passion or sympathy:

"Now entering target system. Engines off-line. Navigational targeting
system damaged, but operable. Life-support systems operable."

A moment of silence passed. My gaze stayed in awe at the hateful wonder that awaited me beyond the window. The beautiful woman in my arms began to sob with a quiet dignity, and I felt panicked tears begin to well up in the corners of my own eyes. And then, the cold, computerized voice spoke again:

"Destination set: Home."

I did not know where Home was.


Anonymous said...

I must admit I am skeptical that you will be able to get an RPI going in 2 weeks. I am also excited though and would definitely login to check it out. However that does not mean that the mud would sustain players who want to explore or play combat characters, or craft, etc.

It's a daunting task to start a new mud, I hope you guys know what you're doing.


Donathin said...

Why would there not be combat or crafting? And let's just see how fast we can put it together. We're pretty sleek. :D

Anonymous said...

One word. Awesome.

I know you guys are good and I will be there to check it out. I'll see how fast you get this up and running but I've got confidence you can make something playable while working on it more and more to expand.

Luckifyre said...

Yeah, I had to wtf at the 2 week deadline, too, but aside from that I'm hyped.

Anonymous said...

Two weeks strikes me as impossibly optimistic, but I am nonetheless excited. A few things about the "preview":

- I do hope that this will not be an adult-themed game. The text seemed to have that vibe, though that could just be the style of whoever wrote it. There was a few too many references to the physical properties of the "beautiful woman".

- What can be done to avoid limiting the options for character concepts? If everyone is a pallid, recently-awakened vegetable with muscle atrophy and no clue who they are, this could become a little bland. Perhaps the option to not have been in cryostasis for terribly long to make it possible to play a character who is physically fit and/or has a memory.

- How large will the game world be? Two weeks leaves rather little time to build and document an entire game, though I suppose it would be fine to start small and gradually expand.

If needed, I can contribute with descriptions of all kinds - rooms, characters and objects. I just need to know what you're looking for and what the general style is.

AIM: throttlesays

Chad said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chad said...

Bah - bloody editor.

Best of luck to you.

Quite an ambitious timeline indeed.


Anonymous said...

I don't know anything except from what I've seen and the intro seems to me like it's going to cater to social roleplayers. I mean, even if you decide to put some nasty monsters around, it's going to need to be realistic. We're not going to burst out into matrix-style attacks and kill shit with our bare fists are we?

I think my ignorance is fueling my pessimism, but I'm always pessimistic. I worked on Darksun for a long time with great staff and I still was never satisfied with it.


Luckifyre said...

Matrix style hand to hand combat while pallid, naked, and atrophied! And crafting with nothing but broken glass and various body fluids! That's so sexy.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I figure it'll be continuous work as two weeks is a short time but I'll be checking on the updates and I'd love to try it out.

Chad said...

Is it just me (curse you, Verizon!), or is the new mud server/forum down?

Anonymous said...

It's down for now, Chad. It'll be back up later, I'm told.

Anonymous said...

I think the forums is down.

Anonymous said...

For those of you skeptical - it's not hard to put a hundred or so rooms together in a couple weeks, along with the necessary crafts, combat, and NPCs necessary to get it going.

An entire gameworld would be impossible to build in two weeks - but a small one for people to start in would be easy enough. Especially with the amount of people who are willing to take part in this build, apparently.

Anonymous said...

I don't know how it seems "adult-themed" but I imagine it will be for mature audience and players. To me, the mention of the woman and her assets is kind of telling. I mean, people are animalistic beyond our humanity, and when all senses and biological needs are deprived for so long, some observances can't help but be keen. It felt very male and raw and human, to me.

Anyway, not the theme I was -really- wanting, but this one wasn't bad either. The intro story is nice, and it will be a lot less starting work than many of the other ideas. Look forward to playing with many of you people once more.

Good luck!

The Nevet said...

Hmm, so I'm thinking that maybe you guys liked my idea of combining the top two themes from the thread 'poll: top 3 themes'?

Anonymous said...

Oooo, also I have an idea that would kind of ease the "disoriented" vibe of every person coming into the game, and would be good for app process too! Let's hope I can remember it until the forums come back up!

SoICodeMonkey said...

It's great to see you guys rally together to bring about a new MUD so quickly, let's hope that Atonement is to SoI what SoI was to Harshlands. You guys were great staffers so I know you'll be solid in that area. You have all the necessary experience to make this thing awesome. And again, let me know of any use I can be at any time.
- Vader

Falco said...

A MUD can indeed be thrown together in two weeks but the results you get are directly proportional to the amount of time you invest in it.

Sarah said...

Sounds exciting, can't wait to try it. As for the adult theme, think that its everywhere, in every mud. It sounded as tho it was like the matrix, when they are born out of it.

See you IG when its ready!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear this is going to be up and running quickly. I do have a few questions though, and I can't seem to access the northlands forum to do some searchin'.

-What is wrong with the northlands forum, and is that the planned website for atonement for the time being?

-Why did this idea supercede the 1700s setting? I like this idea, but last time I was on the forum the 1700s setting seemed to have been blossoming quite well.

-This has already been brought up but I want to there going to be documentation or anything to help with character concepts? Living in a tube/lack of memory definitely has it's limitations.

I'd offer to help out but I don't know anything about making an RPI MUD. Good luck with everything, and I can't wait to see it.

Anonymous said...

Bit disappointed with the theme (from what I can gather is the theme) as I was really behind the 1700's idea. This sort of setting isn't really my thing, but I'll at least give it a chance and wish you all the best of luck!


Anonymous said...

Maybe it's not as it seems. :D I'm an IMM on a starwars themed rp mud and sometimes events or the story may not be what it seems on first glance but I haven't had the opportunity to see the forums with the themes either so who knows!

Donathin said...

I'd be happy to answer some of these questions here, since the forum is down (because something went wrong in uploading our engine, it seems!)

1) It's not going to be "adult-themed". Caellyndria hit what I was doing with the story pretty solidly. I'm not even a MUDsexer or whatnot.

2) Yes, two weeks is optimistic (and it may take three or four); I know that if you set hard goals for yourself though, when you have a lot of energy, sometimes you can surprise yourself.

3) The theme starts in this story and will expand vastly over time (and as we continue to build upon what we've started). We all liked the idea of the 1700s theme, but it is at points similar to other RPIs already out there. We really want to try something fresh, and we want the ability to create a fully unique world. We have many great document-writers with us, and that sort of creativity is what inspires us to create a world from scratch. Ultimately, we discussed all of the ideas, and the amalgamation of some of the best ideas ended up being the one that inspired -us- the most to, y'know, create the game and all. So here is where it starts; where it goes is likely to be confusing and surprising. For anyone used to my plots in Angost, you can refer to those as a warm-up for what is to come.

4) You can expect social, minor crafting and simplified combat to begin with. From here, things will develop to offer you everything that you typical look for on RPIs; however, part of the story takes place with this chapter, and it's a consolidated enough idea that even a relatively small ALPHA playerbase should find a lot of interaction as we continue to improve the game. Don't tell Bangarang I called it ALPHA, though, because it's not or something (and he hates Greek people, I suspect).

5) Our forums are down, but will hopefully be back up soon. We're definitely working on it, but the upload of a many gigabyte file at the wrong time caused a bit of a lag (and then, a crash). I promise to post here as soon as they are back up. When they are, I'll be posting information about how people can get involved at the ground level of creating a new world, either through applying for the staffing positions that we'll be opening up, through writing stories or documentation, or just from building rooms or objects and submitting them to us. One thing that I learned in Angost was that players love to have a part in creating the world that they play in (without being spoiled with admin knowledge), and I'm looking forward to being the contact point to work with player volunteers.

Anonymous said...

Her arms were crossed over her shapely breasts protectively,

With a lean body and curves in all of the right places - and for the first time, I felt desire run through my veins with the flow of hungry, boiling blood.

I approve.

Anonymous said...

I can write kick ass room-descs, please let me do it!


Donathin said...

Forums may be down until tonight, or they may be down until Sunday. Feel free to rant here about anything, if you would like, in the meantime. Building is already underway, and it should go pretty quickly. The lag won't be in building or crafting or even having a working combat system, so much as that it will be in preparing the aesthetics and interface of the engine itself.

We do not plan to make you wake up immediately to this, as your character. You will have a background, and will only be experiencing atrophy still if that is something that you desire to play. The introduction of the game will be playing characters without memories, and the interesting point will be watching how players immerse and work together (or against each other?) with a newborn and frightened society.

From there, it will expand. What will it expand into? Well, we'll write more stories, but you're unlikely to find solid answers. All of our stories will not be in chronological order, and some of them may be taking place in the past or future. Mystery and intrigue is something that we want to hit on here; once the full gameworld is ready and all of the features that we're drooling over are finished, the game will change drastically. However, we expect that should this game be a success, players who are "oldschool" in the future will be referring fondly to the starting days of the RPI, and we're excited about what we have in store for you.

Anonymous said...

I'm interested in the main features. I'm assuming:
a. permadeath
b. approval required applications
c. description-based world (sdesc/mdesc/etc)
d. Advanced emote system. (I hate SOI's emote system, Armageddons emote-code is so simple and way better)

There are a more things to technically qualify for RPI but those are the ones I can think of for now.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, an emote system which involves speech would be really handy! I'm cool with a SoI style one if fancy features aren't going to be added to it though.

Anonymous said...

The ARM system is nice because, for people who are familiar with simple emotes and the SOI way, it doesn't require you to get into the advanced mechanics. Only if you want to do you have to start using phemote, semote, hemote, etc.

One thing I do believe strongly in is bracketted emotes, and not just the half-assed way it works on SOI, though that was a good step in the right direction that was, unfortunately, dropped at the wayside. I love being able to embed code into an emote.

Anonymous said...

I love hemotes and the watch command.

Anonymous said...

The starwars MUD I IMM on has a feature where you can go, emote "How are you?" $n asks, shifting her weight to one leg and grinning to her partner.

Now in that emote, the text comes out as: "How are you?" Crystal asks, shifting her weight to one leg and grinning to her partner.

The $n is SoI's @ and once you include " " to open and close the sentence it will come out as an emote with speech. Just tossing it out there since it is -very- simple for any newbie out there but it lacks Arm's emote systems which includes symbols for:

you, your, him/her
his/her, he/she
himself/herself, yourself
yours, his/hers

Which I also think is pretty awesome, so maybe the two features can be combined as Arm uses bracketed emotes for talk, say, whisper and for traveling emote in a single direction; they don't have the travel string like SoI.

Donathin said...

a. permadeath

b. approval required applications

c. description-based world (sdesc/mdesc/etc)

d. Advanced emote system. (I hate SOI's emote system, Armageddons emote-code is so simple and way better)

We hadn't talked about updates we may make to the emote system. I wouldn't put it at the top of the priority list for the coders right now, but, I also can't see any good reason to not improve it. Personally, I think that both SOI and Arm's system are lacking in their own ways. This is a good suggestion, though, and we can work on thoughts for this.

kank said...

What's the codebase for the new mud?

Donathin said...

We will be using a version of the RPI Engine created for LToB, but will be vastly improved and expanded upon. Until Japheth's new RPI Engine is out, we suspect that it will probably be the most advanced RPI Engine out on the market.

Anonymous said...

Very mind-bending. I'm a little confused as to what the actual setting and theme is, but the blurb makes me crave for more -- which I think is your intent.

Anonymous said...

Any word on when the host for the forums should be back up, or if there's going to be a temporary forum/chat set up in the meantime? I'm bordeline willing to build, but I'd like to see a little more discussion first.

Unknown said...

Hell yeah. Looks great. And even though at first I was disappointed you took this theme instead of 1700s, now I can see the reasons and I think you most certainly took the right choice.

I'm very hopeful that this will be made more realistic than the usual games. That is hard and brutal combat first of all. Even broken bones that take a long while to heal and so on. Also bigger differences between characters, intelligence for example having a bigger bearing, if you don't have a required int stat then you can't learn the skill - you just don't get it. I would love it if the stat system would be drastically changed.

Anonymous said...

How are things coming along?

Anonymous said...

I am itching for an update also :D

Donathin said...

I'll be posting weekly updates, at the very least. The next update should be a pretty exciting one, and luck permitting, I'll be posting tomorrow.

Kristyn Rose said...

Whoo, looking forward to it. I'm excited to see progress.

Candace said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Exciting. I've got a couple guy friends from way back bugging the crap out of me about this new game. They are excited! I bring new blood!

What's up with the forums? Why do they suck?

Donathin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Donathin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Donathin said...

For those of you who are too lazy to read the new Press Release blog entry:

Go there.

Anonymous said...

Two weeks? Mmm.

Anonymous said...

very useful article. I would love to follow you on twitter.

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